So how about the next time some dribbling cretin of a liebour panjandram starts going on about all the wonderful things the government have been doing about ........ since the dark days of 1997, You just shut the idiot up with some well aimed dentistry.
The tories just don't care about health do they? Well I first moved to Stafford in 1989, one of the first things I noticed was the brand new hospital very near the middle of the town. My wife trained as a nurse there, (apropos of nothing so did Kenneth Clarkes daughter,) both of My sons were born there and generally it stood as an example of all that was good about the county town. So after nearly 12 years of Liebour ministry how did it come to be a national disgrace ?
I don't think there is any one single reason for it, just the drip drip of eye-catching initiatives that used to be this governments hallmark, until they started doing an impression of some kleptocratic banana republic, filling their boots while the country collapses around them. Meaningless targets, where treating cut fingers is the same as treating major traumatic injuries. pointless flagship legislation like foundation hospitals, pertinent here, which means nothing to real people, cut price cleaning contracts ( peanuts, monkeys You know the score, ) I could go on. In the end as
any fule no the key to running a good hospital is well trained and motivated doctors and nurses, along with immaculate cleanliness, until they realise that there is where the money needs to be channelled this will continue. Dont hold your breath.
My MP Michael Fabricant says that in 1999 He was told by ambulance paramedics that in life threatening cases it was better to go to Queens hospital Burton, than Stafford, though He made enquiries at the time, He was "fobbed off."