Sunday, 2 September 2007


Clearly the governments doomed attempts to deport Learco Chindamo to Italy are yet another publicity stunt. Shame on the Tories and the press for dancing to the governments tune. I am not an apologist for a convicted murderer, but the government must have known that European laws they had assimmilated would make it impossible. Furthermore what would be the point of deporting him to a country he does not know and has no ties to. Chindamo may be an Italian national but he was bred in Britain and he is our problem not Italies. It's not madness, it's common sense, nor is it a matter of human rights. The government is not duty-bound to release Chindamo, it is shameful that they have cynically mis-used and manipulated not only Chindamo but also Mrs Lawrence and her family. SHAME ON YOU MR STRAW, YOU ARE NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE!

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