Monday, 2 March 2009

Zimbab-UK#2 Do You Really Think You Will Get A Vote?

I'm not the only one who's been hinting at this, and if You look at the signs it's there before You.

The question is, after Brown has invested so much time and effort to get where he is without recourse to either the public or his party, how much chance do You really think there is that he will sacrifice all that?

Look at the reality of the situation, The country is in deep shit, in spite of Browns spinning nobody is fooled, by now if You haven't lost Your job or are not in danger of doing so, You will probably know someone who has. The government is responding by hurling ever larger quantities of cash at the banks, without any due diligence, the result being the banks continue to fail, companies are going to the wall or shedding staff in an effort to survive, less taxpayers, more defaulting, banks collapse, more bailouts and so it continues.

Consider this, The Civil Contingencies act (2004), is there to bring in in cases of emergency. It gives almost complete power to the state, i.e. Gordon Brown to effectively suspend democracy and crack down on dissenters, opposition politicians, journalists etc. Widespread civil unrest is expected this summer. The government can "create" a terrorist threat at any time.

Consider this, Soldiers returning to UK posts are being asked if they are willing to open fire on UK civilians. Now the army despise Brown who has screwed them royally, dancing to the tune of the old liebour who see the forces as a suitable target to exact "revenge for the miners" upon, ( this along with war on middle England is the sole raison d'etre of the remains of old liebour and Harridan Harperson,). Nonetheless, there are individuals within the army who are willing to shoot at anything they are told to, armed or unarmed, no questions asked, just for fun.

Ther is no election forthcoming. Brown does not consider us worthy of deciding who runs the country, He is right and We'd better get used to it and get in our place or else. Consider that plod has become the governments enforcer, and it looks terribly bleak. In the words of Edward R Murrow "Good night and good luck."

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