Tuesday, 14 April 2009

A Good Christian Man At The Heart Of The Darkness

Since it was conceived at the start of the last century by James Keir Hardie, the Labour Party has faced no darker hour than it does now. The cult of New Labour was built on deception and dishonesty, greed, threats and political thuggery. The country has been brought low by men with black hearts and empty souls, who, with the certainty of newly enlightened 16 year olds, eschewed the Christian principles that made this country the beacon of democracy and tolerance that it had always been, and turned it into a place of anger and fury, of resentment and fear, of low standards and intolerance and of personal greed and waste. So now the country stands apart, mocked and ridiculed for its leaders pursuit of Mammon, despised for its lack of grace and pillaged by those who saw it as an opportunity to fill their coffers at ordinary peoples expense.

It is then heartening to know that there are a few good men of principle within the parliamentary party, they will be needed to begin the rebuilding after the coming storm, (and come it will ). Men such as Frank Field, late minister of the crown and a man who can still remember why He stood for election and why He chose his party. It is clear that Mr Field struggles to recognise the corruption and evil that rots the government, Cranmer believes He should cross the floor but I am not so sure. Good men of Christian principle like Frank Field must be on hand after the chaos to do what must be done, May the Good Lord guide him in his labours.


Wrinkled Weasel said...


Wyrdtimes said...

Can't be doing with organised religion but FF is definitely a decent chap and good MP.

He should start his own party (an English Party) - can't for the life of me understand why he sticks with Labour.

Wrinkled Weasel said...

Wrydtimes - I never said anything about being organised. My religion is strictly chaotic. Can you support chaotic religion?