Incompetent, witless, boot-filling, patronising, trough pig Jackboots Jaqui Smiff has let it be known that she is very upset indeed that exposing the fact that she is an incompetent, witless, boot-filling, patronising trough pig is in no way a criminal offence. Pretty soon, when there is an election, what with Her paper thin majority, massive unemployment in Redditch, public disgust at her swiiling at the public trough and her husbands antics, Ms Smiff will be joining the queue with said husband. Goody. Last time Ms Smiff appeared on telly looking misty eyed it was because the new London Mayor had told her Liebour supporting, incompetent, witless etc. Sir Ian Blair to sling his hook. I get the impression when she can no longer poke her big hooter into our personal business, she will be misty eyed again. Goody.
All i can say is
Well done. The sooner this excuse for a human being is booted into history, the better.
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