Monday, 8 June 2009

So much for the country, so much for the party.

So as the workers of LDV join the victims of his ineptitude any hope of a fresh start for the workers of Britain is crushed by the feeble and spineless PLP, the country will stagger on bleeding and dying. As more lose, less will buy, more will lose and the economy will continue to fail. It seems that we can't be rid of the rotting human shambles, shouting, mumbling and dribbling, ranting and abusing dragging the once great bastion of the Britsh left to further ignominy, I could care less. Goodbye Labour, so called party of the people, you were never any use and you never will be.
I don't know if I'll ever see anything more pathetic than the PM being booed by the Normandy veterans on Saturday. The way in which the cretins of the PLP have used the expenses scandal as an excuse to spinelessly weasel out of their duty to the Country ( and party,) comes close.

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