Sunday, 7 June 2009

Will nobody rid us of this turbulent prat?

This is a very low point indeed, not just for this blogger but for the countries ( for there are four of us, ) as a whole. Never in the history of parliamentary politics has one man stood above all, smugly content to put himself before the people, his party, his friends and his family in the vain pursuit of his own personal glory. Gordon Brown is a vain, avaricious, cowardly, self obsessed, functionally inarticulate, bullying braggart. He is not only the worst person ever to hold the post of Prime Minister ( and First Lord of the Treasury), a role to which he was elected neither by party or by country. He is also the worst cabinet minister and the worst MP ever to hold office, he is utterly unfit for purpose, if there is nobody better to lead the Labour party, then God help the labour party and God help all of us. It must follow therefore that anybody not associated with this pathetically discredited (dis) organisation is better qualified to lead the country than anyone within it, fair enough!

The labour party is preparing itself for its worst nightmare, when Brown is forced constitutionally to face his worst nightmare, election by the people he has always held in the utmost contempt the party will face a pointy reckoning, the people of this country are indeed angry, furious even at parliaments disgraceful larceny, but they are more so at the ruination of their country. Last year the party suffered numerous electoral humiliations, the loss of Crewe and Nantwich stood out for the utterly crass nature of the campaign, particularly as the bye-election was brought about by the death of the redoubtable party stalwart Gwyneth Dunwoody, and the candidate was her own daughter. On Thursday the parties county councillors were turfed out en masse, as the country took the opportunity to give their verdict on Gordon Brown, they also had the opportunity to do likewise through the elections to the European parliament. ( As yet the results are not known but they should be humiliating to say the least.)

And yet on they go content to group themselves around their man, two potential leaders David Milliband and Alan Johnson have proven themselves unfit by their craven cowardice, the price they will pay will be far greater than the one they would have payed for showing backbone and wielding the knife, which may have saved their party and their political futures. Of those that quit James Purnell and Caroline " Bernie" Flint should live to fight another day, the latter undeservedly given her irritatingly sour demeanour and gormless performances on Question Time. Of the rest Jacqui Smith has no political future, some may live, some may die I could care less.

Of the great destroyer he continues to live among toadies and sycophants, listening to noone, trotting out his usual rehearsed lines we've heard before. He answers no questions and hides away from the ordinary people he so clearly despises, wickedly he glories in the financial chaos he has wrought with his greed and ineptitude, shirking the blame pointing at opponents as if it was their doing and reminding us how pleased he is at the suffering and poverty that he has overseen. I would say that for the good of the country, his party, his family and himself this sorry fool should depart forthwith. It would be the best outcome for what it is worth. If however He remains to the bitter end then so be it. I look forward to his unprecedented humiliation, and enjoying it. I look forward also to the utter destruction of the labour party, for allowing this caledonian clown to run riot. Frankly I hate You, I hate your lies, I hate your stupid political correctness. I despise you, I despise your dimwitted sense of entitlement, I despise your hatred of the English and your contempt for the working man. I hope your life does not become too dull not being able to order us plebs around any more, you are heading for third place but in time fourth and fifth are up for grabs. Take your regional quangos. your ID cards. your snooping and your czars, get stuffed and go to hell. As for Gordon Brown I would wish him dead but I like the idea of him growing old, despised and derided the man who took the whole rotting hulk with him. Good riddance.

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