Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The Gordon Delusion ( With apologies to Richard Dawkins.)

Sometimes its just better to accept it, You were never meant to do the job, If You were scared to run against John Smith, God rest His soul, if You didn't think You could beat Tony Blair, You couldn't, then what gives You the right now. You can certainly talk , my God You can talk. You talk and You talk and You say You are right about this and You are right about that, You decry the tories, as if it matters, You tell us how bad it was back then, Yes it was bad for You, it was bad for You because You wanted to be boss and You weren't. It wasn't bad for Me, I was happy, sure the government were awful, but they were competent. This government is awful and incompetent, and We the real people suffer. It would be funny if it wasn't tragic, though I'm sure our European "partners" find it hilarious, watching this country go to the dogs whilst You make a fool of yourself and embarass us all. You were never meant for this and it shows, Youre a joke and not a funny one, Youre a fool, with no ideas and no integrity. The Army , by the way detest You, they have suffered from Your pathetic politically driven parsimony, their families have paid for your short-sighted ineptitude, criminally men have died for want of basic equipment, because of You, yes You! Damn You! Wives without husbands , children without fathers, parents burying their own Children ( at least You know how that feels,) and its Your fault. This is not a nice place to be, people were struggling against the tide of rising prices and rising taxes, and now they are losing their jobs, which were good jobs, some have had these jobs for over 30 years, do the maths, thats both of the recessions You talk about, when You are asked a question You can't answer, thats just about every day now. So what does that tell You? this is worse than those recessions, this is something We havent seen before and it happened on Your watch, You were the one who was there and that is what You will be remembered for, this is Your place in history. Books will be written about You. I can't imagine how that feels. Of course You could save face, do the right thing, go now, if not for You or the country, or the party You have discredited, then for Your family. You, however are too self- obsessed, too crass, too arrogant, too foolhardy to do that. So ask not for forgiveness it is Your own treachery that has brought You here.


Wyrdtimes said...

Excellent post mate - thanks.

I'm in Lich btw.

King Athelstan said...

Glad You enjoyed it, nice to get some local interest:)

phoenix said...

Very well said. There is no way that he will listen because it is not incompetence it is malicious intent.