Sunday, 23 November 2008

Cretins Of The Week.

Slow week, the most outstanding effort came from Liebour sycophant David Aaronovitch in the Times. In what was largely a good article by His standards, He spoiled it when launched a defence of Sharon "Pie Chart" Shoesmith, against the angry public, who tend to get a little irate when human fetulence tortures and murders innocent children under the noses of their supposed protectors. It was the lack of contrition and the excuses David. Not to mention the attitude that little Peter didn't really matter in the bigger picture.

Must mention the unwelcome appearance of Patricia "Doctor Death" Hewitt on the Politics Show, sounding like a primary school teacher admonishing a 5 year old child, She lectured on the need to do more to prevent smoking, plain packets, sold under the counter (with the illegal porn?) poke customers with a sharp stick, make smokers wear a silly hat etc. There comes a time when You are flogging a dead horse, it is a persons right to smoke if they want to, You will not persuade a single person to give up this way. Besides there is no attempt to address the increasing number of people smoking Barlinnie thinnies.

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