Saturday, 15 November 2008

Turds Of The Month

The deluded mental state of the self appointed First Minister of England, is reaching disturbing proportions. His shameful performance at PMQ's was apparently due to His being all ready to give Flashman a good whupping on the economy.( How exactly? The economy is in the toilet and He put it there.) He took an unexpected and well aimed opening shot, and was then exposed as being completely unaware of the public mood. This resulted in a typical display of huffery from Him. What He had wanted to do was get in his idle oft-used dig about black Wednesday (16 years ago now, ) 15% interest rates (complete and utter shameless lie, ) and Camerons role. (Did He even have one? ) Ladies and Gentlemen if this is what the Supreme leader has to offer us then God help us one and all. His brainlessness hasd spoken on Gideons delayed attack on his mismanagement, This is "talking down the economy", (It is down, up to 99 people where I work are about to lose their jobs, how down do You need it to be? ) even more risibly it's playing politics. Am I missing something here? playing politics? Gideon is the Shadow Chancellor, of course He is playing politics You berk! That is His job. You spent all Your early years in parliament playing politics, shamelessly voting against every government bill for political reasons whether it was party policy or not e.g. Europe. You are the Worst person ever to hold the Office of Prime Minister and the worst Prime Minister, go to Hell, and take that bloody great chip You carry around with You. There are many people who have struggled in life and You are not one of them. By the way Nick Clegg is a better man than You because He stood for election.

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