Thursday, 27 November 2008

King Of The Cretins

If the increasingly disturbing behaviour of the supreme leader Jocky McBroon was not disturbing enough, the behaviour of what used to be the Liebour party is becoming increasingly unhinged. They were at it again yesterday when a speech by Gideon was a cue for a load of besuited mongs to start running around the government benches gurning , shrieking, making odd faces and gesticulating. Speaker Martin gave up. Just thought I'd mention that people are losing their jobs, houses, savings here, everything they worked for doing real jobs and paying punitive taxes for McDingbat and the dingettes to waste on increasingly quixotic projects. But I may have the answer, the motley collection of public schoolboys and girls/ Oxbridge graduates,( "Toffs", if You will,) that make up the rump of the PLP these days need to reinforce their "working class" credentials, by indulging in a spot of class war with the Tories. I fear they are trying to behave like "us", they are trying to look like "ordinary people". Sad? yes, pathetic? definitely, laughable? well maybe. I fear they may have been boning up by watching Tricia and Jeremy Kyle

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