Friday, 7 November 2008

Planet Liebour

I decided to have another go at this blog after reading the comments of New Liebour mentallist harridan Hazel "Fanny Squeers" Blears. Who seems to have missed the point somewhat in Her tirade against internet blogging suggesting that ordinary people with computers have no business writing beastly stuff about our betters, ie cabinet ministers, who have a difficult job extracting our hard earned cash and micro-managing every aspect of our lives. Of course, far be it from Me to point out anything like what an utter berk She looks every time She goes on Question Time, spouting the usual party crap and trying to score points by chiming in with infantile remarks ,then looking very pleased with herself, but that would be beneath Me. Apparently She is none to chuffed bless Her little mittens. that so much time is being spent on digging up political miscreancy. Well much as I am loath to cause the good lady any more grief, She can get stuffed I feel that what follows may be somewhat unkind to Her and Her chums.

I don't know if the Glenrothes result was a sign that McBroon is making a comeback, or a sign of disillusionment with the SNP, a case of people casting their votes for a respected local candidate or whether Koko the monkey would have won if He'd turned up in a red rosette chuntering about Keir Hardie and Ramsey MacDonald. To be perfectly honest it doesn't matter because there is no way McBroon is planning on calling an election because He doesn't think He needs to inconvenience us with the nagging element of choice. By the way do You think, as the Dear Leader would have us believe that the financial crisis is over? If so where do You work?

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